Terms and Conditions

Any order placed at this website automatically means your agreement to current terms and conditions. If you do not accept any one of the points below, consider leaving the site and not using it for any given reason.

Your use of our services means that you fully realize and agree that your data will be collected and kept by our company in a manner, which is described in our "terms and conditions" section and the policy. In case you do not wish to share some of your personal data, your use of our services may be subject to some limitations. However, you do reserve the right to change your mailing settings and unsubscribe from any updates from our company. If you do not know how to do it, our customer support representatives will be happy to assist you at any time.

EU residents need to be aware that in order to fully meet the requirements of European general data protection regulation contractedly referred to as GDPR, we in details described legal background behind the data processing mechanism we are using. Here you can get to know more. It is only allowed to people of legal age to access this web resource. Only such individuals are allowed to place orders for services provided by the company. Once you submit your order, you automatically agree to adhere to current terms and conditions and any individual part of them. By placing your order your express your awareness of the terms and conditions and desire to follow them in full.

The word "customer," "You" "yours," "your" relate to the person who is placing the order or on whose behalf it is placed by third parties.

The words "Company," "we," "us," "our," "ours" refers to Best-EssayWriter.com.

A product is a research, undertaken in accordance with the customer’s requirements and available for them to further apply it in their future investigations or for any other academic purposes.

Order is the project, which includes instructions and specifications by the customer.


When you place your order through the form on our website, you explicitly express your agreement to use the product for your personal needs. You agree not to sell the product to any third party for any given reason. By placing an order, you show that you fully understand that work on your order is fulfilled by freelance writers. These writers delegate the copyright for all the papers to our company. You are allowed to use the product only as a reference, to develop further research and, as a result, developing a paper of your own.


In order to place an order or to file an inquiry, you are required to fill out a form. This form is integrated into our website. The web form will contain certain personal data. You need to be confident that though we store your data on our servers, your information can by no means and for no reason be shared with any third party. Our privacy policy contains more information on this subject.

As your order progresses, we will send automatic email notifications to you. The price for your product is individually calculated and depends on a number of factors, including, but not limited to the deadline you set, the size of your paper, the number of references and so on.


All the information on standard fees and charges, applied by our company is readily available on the respective page of our website. Still, if your paper does not fall under any of the categories cited at that page, the company has got the right to set an individual price for your project. The same refers to the papers which are amended per customer’s request.

The clients are obliged to provide any important details together with the order placement. Any delay with the placement of any important information may result in your paper being late.


The company seeks to fully protect their customers from any possible frauds, and thus requires their clients to verify their identity. The company may perform over the phone verification or request personal documents or their copies to verify your identity. Once such verification is completed, all relevant information is removed from any servers of the company. Please, note: in case you are requested to perform identity verification but refuse to do so, this may be a reason for canceling all of your orders.


Upon the delivery of the product, the company will inform you via email.

In case the product’s delivery is delayed due to the reasons, associated with the company, the customer may file a refund request. However, customers do not have the right for a refund in case the delay was caused by any issues on the customer’s end or their failure to in due time deliver necessary instructions


Within two weeks after the initial deadline for your paper, you can request a free revision. Such a revision is performed in case you can show that any of the instructions provided were not followed. If your instructions are revised as well as in cases when new instructions are introduced, you will have to pay for additional pages necessary to change your paper for it to meet further instructions.


All the papers delivered to our customers are a hundred percent original. The company owns the copyright for each and every product delivered. Every product made available through this website is meant for personal use only. IN case you use a paper or any of its parts for any commercial needs, this may lead to civil responsibility and may not be limited to such. It is strictly prohibited to use any parts of this website or the papers, received through it, for publication or reproduction.


We offer a full refund for all the papers, which do not meet original instructions. You can cancel any of the placed orders in accordance with our money back policy.

Please, note, the grade you received cannot be considered as a reason for a refund.


Plagiarism is not acceptable and is never tolerated by our company. We take it seriously and work hard on developing custom written content for our customers. In case any part of a product appears to be plagiarized, the customer can count on unconditionally free revision of the paper.

In accordance with the agreement you are entering with the company, your name will not appear on the paper’s title page. We deliver our product only to help you with your own research, and we do not motivate our customers to plagiarize.

The company can by no means be held responsible for any case of unethical use of the products, delivered by it. The company does not hold any responsibility for the actions; the customer takes in relation to the products, delivered by the company.

We work on keeping plagiarism in our papers at the level of 10% or below. This, however, does not refer to works cited and cover pages. In case you find the level of plagiarism exceeding 10%, you have got the right to request free revisions.


We guarantee to our clients that their papers will have plagiarism at the level of 10% or below, that the products we deliver will be written in accordance to the instructions provided by our customers, that the product will be written in clear academic English, that the orders will be delivered in due time. Please, note that we are not responsible for the grade you receive and cannot guarantee any particular grades.


Please, familiarize yourself with the privacy policy available at our website and be informed, that it may be subject to frequent changes. In order to track such changes, you need to visit our website and look for possible updates in the privacy policy.